1. If you could buy any car, money not an option, what would it be?
I would have a Cadillac Escalade, the extreme edition... My grandpa raised me
on Cadillacs and w/ my brood... we need something BIG!
I would have a Cadillac Escalade, the extreme edition... My grandpa raised me
on Cadillacs and w/ my brood... we need something BIG!
2. What was your worst first date ever?
I really don't remember having a worst first date lol... I have only dated two
people though, one being my husband.
I really don't remember having a worst first date lol... I have only dated two
people though, one being my husband.
3. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?
16...and to this day I am still in love, head over heels.
16...and to this day I am still in love, head over heels.
4. When was the last time you reconciled your checkbook?
Hmmm that is a good question! I really don't do that much
Hmmm that is a good question! I really don't do that much
5. If you were going to fashion a "Wanted" Ad for a best friend, how would
you word it?
I don't need a Want ad for a best friend. I know I know that's not the rules of this
game, BUT I have the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. I would
probably say: "BAILEY, Where are you? "
you word it?
I don't need a Want ad for a best friend. I know I know that's not the rules of this
game, BUT I have the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. I would
probably say: "BAILEY, Where are you? "